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ICLEL 2019 Prof. Dr. Michele Biasutti - Padova University / ITALY

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) could be considered an approach that provides fertile ground for implementing a dynamic transformative process in educational institutions. ESD offers pedagogical challenges and could provide a framework for the innovation of didactic practices in educational institutions. ESD is based on interdisciplinary and student centered approaches and encourages critical thinking and future-oriented skills. The introduction of ESD principles in school curricula and the promotion of ESD concepts and practices could be used for inducing the professional development of school and academic staff. Professional development based on ESD improves curriculum planning skills, fosters critical self-reflection of teaching practices which are crucial activities for developing meta-cognitive strategies and mastering teaching practices. The presentation focuses on the relationship between education for sustainable development and teacher professional development aiming to examine the impact of ESD principles and practices on the professional development of school and academic staff. Professional development in ESD could be considered from different disciplines such as education, psychology, social sciences, ecology, and all the disciplines connected to sustainable development issues highlighting the challenges that this process involve.

Key words: ESD principles and challenges for teacher education, Teacher professional development, Teacher change and ESD, Trainee teacher education and ESD, Innovation of school curricula and ESD, Innovation of higher education institution and ESD, Educational practices in ESD.


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