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ICLEL 2019 - Prof. Dr. Christer OHLIN - Kristianstad University / HKR-SWEDEN

Educational leadership plays a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and capacities of teachers, as well as the school climate and environment. Effective educational leadership is essential to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling. The overall purpose of my presentation is to highlight the concept of educational leadership and reflect upon factors in supporting professional learning for future teachers. The presentation is based on my own experiences in education over the last four decades as well as international research evidence available. Three questions will be guiding my presentation:

What do we mean by leadership? Which are the most important aspects of educational leadership?

What are the keys to successful 21st century educational leadership?

This presentation is a contribution in the debate of the importance of excellent educational leadership and finding ways to improve learning and to improve the process of educating students.

Keywords: educational leadership, future teachers, professional learning.


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